Learn how to strengthen your relationship with your dog with Trust Technique

What is the Trust Technique?

Trust Technique is a way to strengthen the relationship with your dog and get the problems you can have in order with the help of mindfulness and focused presence technique.


Trust Technique is a way to strengthen the relationship with your dog and get the problems you can have in order with the help of mindfulness and focused presence technique.

The dog coaching method The Trust Technique is a way to strengthen the relationship between you and your dog and address any issues you have with the help of mindfulness and focused presence technique. It is a soft and effective tool. In short, you as the owner create a feeling of calm that the dog reacts to and therefore becomes relaxed. Once the dog has learned that you can help them relax, you can gradually use this in problematic situations.

Trust Technique is based on the theory that a deepening of the bond between humans and animals can change the lives of both. When you use Trust Technique daily, you will notice that you experience a common peace of mind, not worry as much and your relationship and communication will be better.

The change always happens at the dog's pace, but it usually goes pretty fast because we all-  humans and animals - like to be relaxed. With your help, the dog learns that it is more comfortable to choose relaxation than to react in different situations.

I have a Crossfields Institute level 3 diploma in mindfulness for people with their animals: Trust Technique Practitioner. This qualification provides clear guidelines for how to deliver The Trust Technique® efficiently, safely and within the law, while maintaining the original core of the technology for the ultimate benefit of animals and humans. This is a formal Ofqual regulated qualification (level 3 degree).

How can the Trust Technique help you?

We share feelings with our animals - use it to get rid of issues and established behaviours.



Through your own calm you teach the dog to look at other dogs, cars and people with calm. For adult dogs with well-established behaviours, this is usually very effective way to train.

Be yourself at home

Through your calm, you teach the dog that it can be safe even when you are not nearby.

Lower stress levels

By being able to help your dog lower their energy / thought level a few steps a few times a day, both you and your dog will see amazing changes in both of your everyday lives.

Strengthen the relationship

The calmer and more secure you are, the more important you become to your dog. It will automatically come to you when a difficult situation arises.

How does it work?

Consultation 1 takes about 75 minutes. Price: SEK 1495

    • We meet online, via Messenger, Skype, Facetime or similar, or at your home if you live in the immediate vicinity of Kiruna. The important thing is that I can see both you and the dog.

    I recommend at least two sessions. At first you learn the technique and then get to consolidate it at home. On a second occasion, we can start working more directly on your specific problem.

    • For me, it is important that you experience a change. To wholeheartedly support you in the process, I have developed a course package of three sessions. In this way, you get a new habit of mindfulness in your everyday life and we have time to immerse ourselves in Trust Technique's three main principles.


Package price - Online

Package price applies online: approx. 3.5 hours, SEK 2 985 (3 485)


week 1 - Creative Reaction approx. 75 min SEK 1495

At our first meeting, we map your needs and look at your situation. You will learn the basics of Trust Technique. We practice both without and with your dog. You will get lessons on how to work with this in the coming two weeks. Step 1 is about learning a feeling of calm that we will then work with.

Telephone contact, week 2 about 15 min. We have a tuning session to see if any questions arise and decide how to set up the training in step 2.


week 3 - Realization Learning- approx. 60 min. SEK 995

We go through the theory behind Realization Learning. We work practically with you and your dog with one of your problem areas. As we are working online, we will need to have a previously agreed upon plan before the meeting if we need an assistant on site (a human, another dog etc). Then we will make a plan for how you will work further until the next meeting.


week 5 - Trusted Cooperation - about 60 min. SEK 995

We go through what Trusted Cooperation means and how we work with it. We continue to work practically with your problem areas, sort out any questions and plan how you will continue to work in the future.


For on-site coaching, fill out the form below or contact me for a quote!

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Messages of Trust

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15 min Kostnadsfritt

Kontakta mig så pratar vi om er situation
och hur jag förklarar hur TT kan hjälpa er

Jag hjälper även dig med större kennlar att få lugn och ro i flocken!

Vad säger våra kunder?

Lilla Jaxon. Tänk att det skulle ta så många år innan vi äntligen förstår varandra. Så mycket som jag prövat och inget har fungerat. Många gånger har jag tänkt ge upp och funderat om du kanske skulle få det bättre hos någon annan. Men så fick vi chansen att pröva på meditation.

Trodde knappt det var sant. Men äntligen har vi hittat nått som passar oss och vi jobbar på. Jaxon har verkligen satt mig på prov. Men som en klok kvinna så “Han är här för att lära dig nått” så Tack Ylva Forssén, utan dig hade vi aldrig klarat det. ❤
— Marika
Du är så himla fantastisk Ylva!! 💖 En riktig stjärna... Du har gjort underverk för X och Y... X har aldrig ens kunnat typ tycka om honom på riktigt bara varit arg å irriterad ... Alltid sagt att hon ska ta bort honom, att hon orkar inte mer osv osv å det har gjort ont i mig för jag vet ju att hon inte menar det så hemskt som det låter men hon har inte kunnat knyta an till honom alls...

Men herregud nu efter 6 år har dom en helt annan kontakt och han tyr sig till henne som han aldrig gjort förut och hon själv är mer avslappnad än någonsin vad gäller honom och hennes tonfall har helt förändrats... Nu får han samma chans som han förtjänar å X är så mkt lättare i hjärtat och mer avslappnad, gladare och tryggare...
— Malin
Trust technique känns som magi. På några minuter så har man en hund som ligger avslappnat på sidan! Bara genom att stå still och stirra på en punkt ett litet tag! Har kört i drygt en vecka. Det går fortare och fortare att hjälpa hunden till avslappning.

Tack Ylva för att du lärt mig den här tekniken! Hjälper nog mig mer än hundarna 😅
— Erica

“Practice Peace, Patience and Persistence with a Purpose and your life will change.”

— James French